Friday, August 18, 2017


The power of community in app or otherwise is immense. From revenue to working for a cause, the importance of community app in the market is rising. A community app is an application that brings together users through profiles, forums, instant messaging and other such features of the networking sites. Some of the popular community apps are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,, SpeedDate and so on.

The importance of community app is mainly based on the user participation. Who wouldn’t love to spent time with like-minded people discussing, sharing or doing things for matters that they are all passionate about. For many it would be a platform to voice their opinions and plan a course of action. Anyway, this increases the number of users accessing the site and thus the user presence goes up.
The strength of community was reflected in the purchase of Instagram, WhatsApp and Snap Chat. At a time when their revenue was nowhere near a hundredth of the amount they were purchased by Facebook, we were all confused what Facebook saw in it for such a large amount. But then it’s perfectly clear now, their value has gone up by at least 10 times the amount they were bought for. Wondering how Facebook foresaw it? Their user community base!

One of the main importance of community apps is user retention and engagement. Popular causes can help increase the engagement of more users. Many of the communities are contributing to the wellbeing of a lot of needy people through their campaigns. Campaigns through social networking apps regarding help for treatments and other needs usually receive a positive response. Recent campaigns for refugees has helped in taking their cause forward.

Community apps have not just helped in social causes. The importance of community apps in professional sphere can be seen by the success of applications like LinkedIn. It helps connect people from different professional spheres coordinating business and opening job opportunities. Apps by non-profit organisations like helps people to get loans and facilitate their repayment as well.
Ease of advertising is another importance of community apps. The community apps with a large user base provides a fruitful platform for advertising as its reach is quite wide. Targeted advertising and use of content is facilitated through these increasing user retention and management. Overall, community provides an ideal platform to share and grow, socially, economically and intellectually. 


Tuesday, August 1, 2017


In this age of huge technological revolution, we are all familiar with apps. We depend on them for chats, calls, accessing books and news, for directions and a lot more! We usually find them from the Store, download and use them as we please. Have you ever wondered what goes behind the working of these apps? How some of them are offered for free? The privacy and security concerns that relates to them?

Understanding mobile apps is necessary in this era, or you can be mocked. A mobile app is basically a software application that can be easily downloaded onto your device and accessed. All the mobile OS giants like Android, Microsoft, BlackBerry and iOShave app stores that provide interesting apps for entertainment, academic and other uses. Some are offered for free while others need payment to be installed.

The concept behind free apps is to maximise their coverage among people. The basic human behaviour of an increased affinity to all things free of cost, is being utilized here. These apps are used as a major source of advertisement, as it ensures maximum viewership. In some cases, apps are provided for free initially and the later updates are billed. There are apps that are offered free with some features accessible only on payment, as well. The idea behind this is that once you grow used to it, you won’t probably mind a few bills to ensure it stays!!

A security concern regarding apps, apart from being virus infected, is the extent of their ability to access our privacy. When downloaded from stores like Play Store, our permission to access some of our data is asked. Usually, our call logs, email and phone contacts, device location, calendar and internet data are accessed by these apps.

Haven’t you ever wondered why the ads in some of the apps are mostly of your favourite items or those in your preference list? It is because the ad networks can gather the information accessed by the apps and combine them with your internet browsing history to serve your preference. If this concerns you, there might be a way or two in the privacy settings of app policy to opt out of it.

User reviews and screen shots available in the stores regarding apps can help you determine their quality to a great extent. Go through them before download, put your instincts to work and choose the right one!
If you are looking for a mobile app development company, contact us Today.