Friday, November 7, 2008

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Understanding Latent Semantic Indexing and how it works can largely help you to increase the complete visibility of your web site. When Google reads your site, having your most important keywords may not be sufficient. All you need to do is go just a bit further and make sure that your keywords AND your keywords related keywords are there as well. The matching up of text and adverts was carried out by software in the form of mathematical formulae recognized as algorithms. It was found that these formulae used semantics to examine the meaning of the text within the web page. In fact, what it initially seemed to do was to equalize keywords within the page with keywords used in the adverts, though some additional interpretation of meaning was obvious in the way that some pertinent adverts were properly placed without containing the same keyword character string as used on the web page.

Latent semantic indexing adds a significant step to the document indexing process. In addition to recording which keywords a document contains, the technique examines the document collection as total, to see which other documents hold some of those same words. LSI takes in list documents that have a lot of words in common to be semantically close, and ones with hardly any words in common to be semantically remote. This trouble-free method correlates astonishingly well with how a human being, looking at content, might categorize a document collection. Although the LSI algorithm doesn't appreciate anything about what the words mean, the patterns it notices can make it seem amazingly bright.

It became commonplace for websites to encompass hundreds, and even thousands, of software-generated pages containing repetitions of keywords and long-tailed key phrases, but little else. Hundred of pages could be produced, the only differentiation between them being the keyword or phrase used, with no content whatsoever for the guest. Such software is still being sold on the internet in malice of all the attention given to the so-called LSI algorithm. Google searched each webpage that was registered for the Adsense system and found the subject of the page by the method of semantic analysis. At this time there was no differentiation made in the analysis between sites using only the same keyword constantly and those with authentic content pertinent to the theme. Adverts connected to this theme were then added to the page by Google.
These pages were ranked highly due to their high keyword compactness, and there were so many generated that only a small proportion needed to become visible in the listings for their owners to make money from the adverts that Google placed on them. These sites could create quite a few thousands of dollars for their owners each single day without contributing any value to the internet at all.

Want to know more visit - Our website NewAge SMB